Outdoor Adventure Talks

Outdoor Adventure Talks Feature Snakes, Turtles, Rabbits and Bats

NH Wildlife Non Game ProgramConcord NH The New Hampshire Fish and  Game Department's spring series of outdoor adventure talks wraps up with three  sessions exploring Nongame and Endangered Wildlife topics, from turtles and  snakes to rabbits, bats and dragonflies. This year is the 25th anniversary of  the Nongame Program, which has been restoring and protecting native wildlife in  New Hampshire  since 1988.

The talks take place on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. through  May 8, 2013, at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord,   N.H. No pre-registration is  required.  Admission is free. These  programs are a great chance to meet program biologists and hear about the work  they are doing to protect wildlife diversity.

The last three talks in the series are as follows:

April 24, 2013 - Black Racers and Blandings

If turtles and snakes fascinate you, join N.H. Fish and Game  Nongame biologists Mike Marchand, Brendan Clifford and Loren Valliere to learn  about the amazing diversity of reptiles and amphibians in New Hampshire. This is the time of year when  many reptiles and amphibians are emerging from their winter slumber and  traveling to breeding grounds or simply basking in the sun. Hear about current  research being done on Blanding's turtles and black racer snakes, try out  equipment biologists use in the field, and learn what you can do to help  biologists monitor these amazing creatures!

May 1, 2013 - Road to Recovery - New England Cottontails/Karner  blue butterflies   Join N.H. Fish and Game Nongame biologists Heidi Holman and  Brett Ferry to learn about what it takes to ensure rare species remain a part  of New Hampshire's  wildlife landscape. Hear firsthand from biologists involved in current efforts  to restore populations of Karner blue butterflies and New   England cottontails and their habitats.

May 8, 2013 - Mosquito Eaters: Bats and Dragonflies

Did you know that New    Hampshire has eight different species of bats? Learn  which species are most at risk of disappearing forever from our summer skies  because of White Nose Syndrome - and what you can do to help. Also at this  talk, you'll find out what has been discovered through a statewide effort to  document New Hampshire's  diverse dragonflies. N.H. Fish and Game Nongame biologist Emily Preston  Brunkhurst and biologist Pam Hunt of New Hampshire Audubon team up to present a  fascinating look at the bats and dazzling dragonflies many of us have right in  our own backyards.

The  N.H. Fish and Game's Department's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program works  to protect over 400 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects  and other invertebrates in New Hampshire. Learn more about the Nongame Program,  and events celebrating its 25th anniversary, at http://www.wildnh.com/nongame  Taken from the NH Fish and Game Website