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April 1 Deadline for Removing Bobhouses from Ice in New Hampshire

ice fishing - 1 kidCONCORD, N.H. - Attention ice anglers: All bob-houses,  also known as ice shanties, must be removed from the ice no later than the end  of the day on April 1 according to state law.   Once it's off the ice, do not leave bob-houses on public or private  property without permission - that's also a violation of state law - so if you've  moved your bob-house to the shoreline, take care to move the structure to your  own property.

The law is designed to ensure that bob-houses and their  contents don't fall through the ice and become a hazard to boaters or get left  behind on shore, explained Sgt. Dave Eskeland of the New Hampshire Fish and  Game Department's Law Enforcement Division.

Failure to remove a bob-house from public waters, public  property or private property by the deadline can result in a fine and a  one-year loss of the owner's fishing license.   In cases where Conservation Officers cannot identify the bob-house owner,  Fish and Game has the authority to seize any bob-house and its contents not  removed by the deadline.

For more information, contact your local Conservation Officer  or Fish and Game's Law Enforcement Division in Concord at (603) 271-3127.

Taken from the NH Fish and Game Website.