Luxury Winnipesaukee home with 2 car attached garage and 2 car detach garage plus 125 feet of sandy beach
NH Lakes Region Including Sunapee and Ossipee markets. What a change in weather, last week temperatures in the 90's and this week in the NH Lakes Region we are waking up to 46's. It is August and I have the heat on in my car? This past week we had a real mix of lakefront properties come on the market. At the top end a classic Lake Sunapee estate priced at $3.9 million and at the other end a wonderful 2 bedroom log home located on Hermit Lake in Sanbornton at $179,000. Lake Winnipesaukee Real Estate had 6 new listings. Three island homes priced from $325,000 for a home on Sleeper Island to $469,000 for a lovely cottage on Barndoor Island. Winnipesaukee mainland homes were all in the mid price range of $750,000, the homes were located in Wolfeboro, Moultonborough and Alton. Pleasant Lake in Deerfield a 500 acre lake and Pawtuckaway Lake a 800 acre lake enjoyed by many year round owners had new listings. Both lakes are easy commutes to the Manchester or Portsmouth areas. Listing do not come up that often on Newfound Lake, a 4000 acre glacial lake located just off exit 23 on 93. This year round home is situated on 9 acres of land and has 4 bedrooms and is a steal at $449,000. Winnisquam, Merrymeeting, Winona and Silver Lake Tilton all posted new listings.
Sales in the NH Lakes Region have been steady with sales last week sales ranging from $145,000 for a home on Webster Lake in Franklin to a $600,000 sale on Winnipesaukee in Moultonborough. Other lakes with sales included, Northwood, Locke, Squam, Ossipee, Pine River Pond, and Kanasatka.
If a lake and ski vacation home is in your future call us! There is an excellent inventory of homes on the water with easy access to some great ski areas. For additional information on lake homes call Four Seasons | Sotheby's International Realty at 1-888-737-5550 or e-mail at info@nhlakesrealty.com or visit our website to view lake homes in New Hampshire at www.nhlakesrealty.com or www.lakeorskirealestate.com.
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