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Save Energy Costs, Increase Efficiencies through an Energy Audit.

Fast forward to 2014.  Yes they still have the service and it is called NHSaves.  I filled out the questionnaire and scheduled an audit for the cost of $100.  They come to your home and hook up a giant fan to your door that depressurizes the building envelope pulling any air through any problems areas allowing you to feel exactly where your house is losing energy. To shorten the story they came back with a long list of recommendations that totaled $4000.00. Then the sales pitch started, the contractors said and we will do all of this work for $1000.00.  I have to tell you it was the best $1000 I have spent in a long time.  My homes energy efficiency has increase, better lighting and drafts are gone.   ( What was done -  LED Lights - Attic & Garage Insulation - Sill Insulation - Tons of Caulking - Drywall Work with New Door  )Stage Road

Below is some additional information. Spend the $100 and find out energy improvements that you can take advantage of through this program.  

Save money and energy with Home Performance with ENERGY STAR!  Energy Star Logo

Home Performance with ENERGY STAR is a comprehensive, whole house approach to improving energy efficiency and comfort at home, while reducing your energy costs and helping the environment.  Installing energy efficient upgrades can save you up to 20% or more on your annual energy cost

What to expect from your home energy audit?

A comprehensive assessment of your home's energy efficiency Recommendations for cost effective, energy efficiency improvements to your home A cost estimate for making improvements Assistance with installing the recommended improvements Financing options may be available from your utility

Based on the assessment, you may be eligible for a 50% incentive, up to $4,000, to help you pay for any of the qualified measures including lighting upgrades, water conservation measures, air sealing, and insulation.

*There is a $100 fee for the in-home energy audit, which includes diagnostic testing for air and duct leakage. If you decide to move forward with any of the audit recommendations, this fee will be deducted from the cost of the project.

NHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire's electric and natural gas utilities working with the NH Public Utilities Commission and other interested parties to provide NH customers with information, incentives, and support designed to save energy, reduce costs, and protect our environment statewide.   

For information our perspective of the program or on buying or selling a lake home call 1-888-737-5550 or e-mail at  or visit our websites to view lake homes in New Hampshire at or

Contact Carl Sack or Paula Hinckley   #nhlakesrealty

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