Helpful Answers to Questions about NH shoreline development?
NH Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act: Helpful Links!
Shoreline Guidance Click Here for a Survey to determine what activities require a shoreline permit
Protected waterbodies include all lakes, ponds, and impoundments greater than 10 acres in size; all 4th order and greater streams and rivers; most designated rivers and river segments under RSA 483, The Rivers Management & Protection Act; and all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, including tidal marshes, rivers, and estuaries.
Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act - FAQ
Frequently Asked Shoreline Questions and Rules FAQ to follow when you when you are within 250 feet of protected waterbodies. Quick answers to tree cutting, setbacks, septic systems, non-conforming lots plus information on waivers that you can obtain.
Current Beach Advisories and Cyanobacteria Lake Warnings. Beach Updates!
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Take a quick look at one of our new time-saving website features - Lake Water Quality with Direct links to the Lakes
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